Marketing automation

Marketing automation is commonly understood as using software and technical solutions to automate/computerize marketing processes, such as budgeting, marketing planning, management of marketing companies, interaction with clients, customer data integration and analysis, and other aspects of marketing process.

Automation allows to decrease the workload of marketing managers doing routine tasks, without the loss of effectiveness or even rising it. Marketing automation is applied in the following basic directions:

  1. Marketing content creation and promotion: webpages creation and their optimization for search engines and social networks, conducting personalized promotional campaigns via email, contextually targeted advertising and the content in the web pages.
  2. Marketing campaigns management: project development and designing, implementation, management based on time and event triggers.
  3. Lead generation: tracing the visitors’ activity on the website, collecting this data in a profile and starting the primary contact by using the content relevant to the visitor.
  4. Lead management: evaluating the quality of a lead and raising it, passing the led over to the next level in the sales funnel.
  5. Analytics: monitoring the set of criteria indicating the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns we conduct, which adds to the continuous performance improvement in reaching the goals we set.

We are ready to help you establish your own infrastructure of marketing processes automation and thus improve efficiency of marketing in your company by raising the degree of control over the marketing campaigns you conduct and by decreasing the routine workload on of your employees. In its turn, liberation from routine will enable your staff to spend more time to do creative and uncommon tasks.

Automate your marketing – contact us!