What exactly we do

  • Audition of the company’s media assets (sites, mailing lists, social network profiles, traditional corporate media);
  • Audition of the information flows: inside the company (discovering the zones of insufficient “informational conductivity” and working out recommendations on their reconstruction) and outside (e.g., how understandable your pitches are for the media of general interest; whether the point of your business is clear enough on the official site; the usage of necessary channels of delivery of your marketing content), including SEO audition.
  • Overall audition of websites, including SEO audition;
  • Trainings of personnel developed in the framework of MaaS concept piloting;
  • Recruiting students from nearby universities and training them at workshops in the last academic year for the perspective work in your company;
  • Non-recurring audition of the company’s marketing materials (for the materials in Russian and English, outreach with the help of regional partners is possible);
  • Development/reconstruction and support of the client’s media projects (both distantly and in the client’s office team), including websites, social networks accounts, mailout);
  • Helping to standardize application forms for the industry’s events, and guidance for the staff in the process of their work with templates;
  • Organizing coverage of events with the client’s participation (reporter’s work), followed by preparation, publication and promotion of the materials in the client’s and partners’ media;
  • Development and support of the client’s partner programmes (related to content).